Every Vote Counts
AIGA Get Out the Vote 2022
Submitted By: Sana Hussaini
Chapter: AIGA San Francisco
Artist Statement: The poster shows the iconic Statue of Liberty holding a torch, lighting the way to freedom for multiple communities that reside under the American Flag. Every community looks different, speaks a different language, have different religious and social practices, but their commitment to a shared set of values and ideals, have redefined the normative content of American identity. This reflects the power of the people…the beauty of the collective action.
The poster uses multiple languages to show that the voice of every community matter in bringing about a change. The word 'Vote' has been translated to Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Filipino,Japanese, Ukranian as well as Navajo language, the most spoken indigenous language in the U.S.
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Every Vote Counts: Download Poster | Download Social Square
Credit on Instagram: @sana_k09
Credit on other social media channels: Facebook | LinkedIn | Pinterest
GOTV posters and social squares created by AIGA members are available for printing and public distribution by all. By downloading this poster and/or social square, you agree to use it in its entirety (including the branded banner), unaltered and not for commercial purposes of any kind; any reproduction of it must include full credit to the designer and AIGA Get Out the Vote. Any variation from this policy must be documented in writing from the designer and AIGA. When sharing on social media, please tag the designer and @AIGADesign with the hashtags #AIGAVote and #GetOutTheVote.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
This work is part of the AIGA Get Out the Vote, AIGA’s Civic Engagement Initiative.